cheetahs' plain

These magnificent cats are the fastest of all mammals. They can reach a speed of 113 km/h and are able to make quick and sudden turns, but only over a short distance. They must plan their hunt carefully so that their burst of speed will be enough to catch a prey.

The females are solitary, but males will often form lifelong coalitions of a few individuals. It allows them to better defend their territory and take down bigger preys. Cheetahs do not roar, but they purr and have a cry that sounds like a bird call.

Their territory used to cover most of Sub-Saharan Africa and extend eastward into the Middle East and to central India, but they are becoming increasingly rare.

Today, cheetahs exist only in small, fragmented populations, one third of which is in southern Africa. In the last 100 years, the world has lost 90% of the wild cheetah population.

Parc Safari is part of a worldwide conservation effort to save these elegant felines from extinction.

Meet our cheetahs!

Will you recognize them?



"Independant et mischievous"

Baby 2017!



"First born"

Lover, always looking for attention from his brother and the zookeepers.




He’s the most talkative. His coat is paler and he looks like he has a mustache.




He is the most slender of the group. He was born at Parc Safari with his sister Laini, who now lives at the Toronto Zoo.



Affectionate, she likes to hang out with the zookeepers.