Come admire the masters of the sky!
Birds species
Eurasian eagle-owl
Distribution : Europe Size : 0.65-0.75 meters
Weight : 1.2 – 4 kg Wingspan : 1.5-1.8 meters
incubation period : 31-36 days Lifespan : 20 – 40 years
The Eurasian eagle-owl is the largest nocturnal raptor on the European continent.
Their large size allows them to hunt and carry prey weighing between 200 grams and 2 kilos.
Distribution: America Size: 0.46-0.59 meters
Weight: 0.5 – 1.5 kg Incubation period: 31-36 days
Lifespan: 14 years Wingspan: 1.03 – 1.2 meters
The Harris’s hawk is a member of the eagle family. They live in Central and South America.
Harris’s hawks are very opportunistic in the way they hunt, their menu varies greatly depending on the availability of prey.
Harris’s hawk
Peregrine falcon
Distribution: Africa and Europe and Asia Size: 0.45 – 0.55 meter
Weight: 0.7 – 1 kg Incubation period: 30-35 days
Lifespan: 13-20 years Wingspan: 90 – 110 cm
The Peregrine falcon is a robust bird about the size of a crow. The throat is white, the belly varies from white to buff, and the flanks, thighs, abdomen, lower surface of the wings and lower breast have brownish black stripes.
The peregrine falcon are best known for their diving speed during flight, which can reach more than 300 km/h. It makes them the fastest animal in the world.
Distribution: North America Size: 0.7-1 meter
Weight: 3.4-7 kg Incubation period: 30 -35 days
Lifespan: 35 -50 years Wingspan: 1.6 – 2.4 meters
The bald eagle is the emblem of the United States. The head feathers of juvenile bald eagles are brown. It takes four to five years for them to turn completely white.
Bald eagles almost went extinct in the 1970s because of the pesticide DDT, that caused the shell of their eggs to become too fragile and break. Conservation efforts and the ban of DDT in North America saved the species and they are no longer threatened.
Bald eagle
Laggar falcon
Distribution: Asia Size : 0.39-0.46 meter
Weight : 0.45-1 kg Incubation period : 29-31 days
Lifespan : 13-20 years Wingspan : 0.88 – 1.15 meters
Laggar falcons live from Iran to Myanmar and are considered near threatened.
They feed on insects, lizards, birds and small mammals. Although some of their preys are caught on the ground, most of them are caught in flight.
The birds of prey can’t wait to meet you!